Bob Timberlake Gallery book signing in Lexington, North Carolina.   Mr. Rufus Edmisten, Mr. Bob Timberlake and J.P. McKelvey (L to R).

Mr. Rufus Edmisten, Mr. Bob Timberlake and J.P. McKelvey at the Bob Timberlake Gallery for a book signing in Lexington, North Carolina.

Book signing at the West End Arts Market in Pilot Mountain, North Carolina.

Book signing at Key City Antique Mall & Shops, North Wilkesboro, North Carolina.

Book signing at Pages Books and Coffee during Mayberry Days in Mt. Airy, North Carolina.

It is such an honor to have this historical guidebook about the 270 year history of Pilot Mountain State Park available on the shelves of the North Carolina Museum of History that is a Smithsonian Affiliate in Raleigh, North Carolina. The author is profoundly grateful for the help of Mr. Rufus Edmisten for this achievement.

Cosmic Summit 2024 this past weekend was amazing on June 15, 16 & 17th, 2024.

Anyone interested in the history of this world was rewarded with over 30 international speakers held at the Joseph S. Koury Convention Center at the Four Seasons’ Guilford Ballroom in Greensboro, North Carolina. Over 500 people attended the weekend event and many spilled over to Monday for even more talks that included “all the Randall (Carlson) you can handle.”

The author’s book signing booth placement was perfect right at the entrance to the Guildford Ballroom where many of the important talks were given. So many people sat down in the chair in front of the booth to talk about the mountain. It was truly an honor to be on the same aisle with the Randall Carlson booth. Many of the speakers also had booths and megalith researcher/documentary film maker, Hugh Newman, did a barter for his latest book with mine. There were so many great respectful conversations with the authors at Cosmic Summit for the public.

The event organizer, George Howard, took particular interest in the book passing by the booth often saying kind words. Howard posted about the book at the close of the event from his hotel room on the social media platform X. Then in a video recap (see below) he mentioned the book again a few days after the CS24. Pilot Mountain is only about a 45 minute expressway drive from the venue. Looks like we might have an excursion from the convention center to Pilot Mountain next year from Cosmic Summit 2025!

Honestly, at times it felt like being under Niagara Falls with so many beautiful conversations at Cosmic Summit flowing around me. Here is a link to images that display the pyramid shape (click right image below) of Pilot Mountain that was discussed so much at Cosmic Summit and also in the Cosmic Summit wrap up video (click left image at 22 minute mark) done a few days afterward.

Edited by Matt Zeeman

Cosmic Summit 2024 was so much fun!

Randall Carlson and the author, J.P. McKelvey

J.P. McKelvey, Scott Wolter and Joe Crane. Wolter is a forensic geologist, author, and host of the History channel series America Unearthed.

Still finding time to do more research even all the way up to Newark, Ohio at the Moundbuilders Country Club where the author was treated with so much kindness. Explored the 18.6 year Lunar Standstill alignments with Dr. Bradley Lepper on the one day he was there in October of 2024.

“Faces of Pilot Mountain:

Intriguing Journey into the Deep Mysteries”

by J.P. McKelvey

The next public talk will be given to the membership of the LIFE@Elon community the week of the spring equinox in 2025. The author was nominated to speak at Elon University and accepted the honor to speak there. Over the course of two days there will be an morning and afternoon talk.

LIFE@Elon (the speaker series is sold out)

March 18th and 19th, 2025

Equinox and the Mysteries of Pilot Mountain

with James P. McKelvey and Cherokee wisdom keeper, Yona FrenchHawk

A photograph taken in 2012 started this author’s research on Pilot Mountain and ended with his book, “Faces of Pilot Mountain: Intriguing Journey into the Deep Mysteries.” This book covers the two hundred and seventy years of published information on Pilot Mountain. The first chapter alone provides enough information about the mountain to make the reader a guide for family and friends. You will also learn how the sacred mountain connects to George Washington, Otis Redding, Stax Volt, the Beatles, Andy Griffith, Lester Flatt, the daredevil stunt flyer Zach Reynolds and so much more. A documentary was filmed based on the book by a California crew in April of 2024 that may air on the streaming service, Prime Video.

McKelvey is now working on a second book called, “The Lessons of Pilot Mountain”, focusing on the oral history of the mountain. He's collaborating with Occoneechee and Cherokee wisdom keepers for this project. Research for the second book reveals how important Pilot Mountain was in the ancient past as a pilgrimage ceremony site. The sun on the equinox rises right on a notch in the Big Pinnacle. There is a sun “dagger” at noon and in the evening on the same day there is an almost perfect pyramid shadow that builds toward the Sauratown Mountain and then slowly fades. Pilot Mountain State Park acknowledges “highly significant” prehistoric burials on the mountain. Did you know North Carolina has a 1,500-foot-tall quartzite pyramid? Learn more about this sacred mountain a little over an hour’s drive from Elon and be inspired to visit it yourself.

James P. McKelvey is a photographer based in Hillsborough, North Carolina. From 1979 to 1992, he worked and wrote for Variety in New York City, the Detroit Free Press in Detroit, Michigan, The Face in London, and U Magazine in New York City. His photographs have been published in the Raleigh News and Observer, No Depression Magazine, Rolling Stone Magazine, and CMT television. The James McKelvey photo archive, which contains 4,500 images, is part of the Southern Folklife Collection in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Yona FrenchHawk is one of eight children. They are pure blood Cherokee and as members of the Bird Clan are the story tellers, known as wisdom keepers. Yona FrenchHawk was good at collecting stones for sweat lodges and was invited inside to pour water when he was eight or nine. He didn’t learn the English language until he was eleven years old so he has heard the Cherokee oral tradition stories in the native tongue of the elders. Yona FrenchHawk is a widsom keeper, ceremonialist and is part of the Jubilee Church in Asheville.

A week before the winter solstice in 2023 we spent two days together at Pilot Mountain. The first thing Yona did on Pilot Mountain was to take his shoes/socks off and stand barefoot on the mountain to feel the energy and connect with the ceremony there from the ancient past. On the solstice my family was invited and accepted an invitation to the Cherokee ceremony, “Calling the Bears.” It is such an honor to call Yona FrenchHawk my friend and would encourage anyone interested to attend one of his many sweat lodges in the Asheville area.

In regard to the quartzite found at all elevations of Pilot Mountain:

Biological Role:

Piezoelectricity is a fundamental aspect of some biological processes. Here are a few key areas where biological functions of piezoelectricity are observed:

  • Bone Remodeling and Growth: One of the most well-known biological functions of piezoelectricity is in bone tissue. Bone is piezoelectric, which means it generates electrical potentials when subjected to mechanical stress. This property likely plays a role in bone remodeling and growth, where the electrical signals generated by piezoelectricity stimulates the formation or resorption of bone by osteoblasts and osteoclasts, respectively.

  • Tendon Movement and Function: Similar to bones, tendons also exhibit piezoelectric properties. When tendons are stretched or compressed, they generate electrical signals. This piezoelectric behavior may aid in the repair and growth processes of tendons and also play a role in signaling and communication within the tissue.

  • Dental Applications: The piezoelectric properties of dental tissues like dentin have various applications, such as understanding tooth mechanics and the development of better dental restorations.

  • Hearing Mechanisms: In the ear, certain biological materials exhibit piezoelectric properties that are crucial for hearing. For instance, the piezoelectric effect in the cochlea helps convert mechanical vibrations (sound waves) into electrical signals that the brain interprets as sound.

  • Cell and Tissue Mechanics: Some cellular processes involve piezoelectricity, especially in cell membranes and in tissues under mechanical stress. This influences cell behaviors like migration, division, and communication.

  • Electrical Signaling in Cartilage: Similar to bone, cartilage also shows piezoelectric properties, playing a role in its growth, repair, and response to mechanical stress.

  • Source:

These songs have been a sort of private soundtrack to the writing of the author’s first book while I observed nature in my backyard. When doing an historical dive into a sacred mountain it really is hard to find the traces to follow of the unnamed faces. Often when the muse was strong hummingbirds, cardinals and even a red tailed hawk or two would fly by for a visit. Some would hover right outside my writing window where my keyboard faces. I would later see a feather on my path and I knew I was moving in the right direction. The artists, both of whom I know, do not know I’ve done this so do not look at this as an endorsement for the book. See it more that they both inspired the research of the book in a profound way. I did give autographed copies of “Faces of Pilot Mountain” to both of them at shows recently. They are both very busy this summer but if there is any objection I would immediately take these down. They both know how to contact me.

Neil Young with Graham Nash “Birds”

Neil Young’s “Traces”

Darrell Scott’s “Passing”

Neil Young’s “Goin’ Back”

Darrell Scott’s “Looking Glass”

Darrell Scott’s “I Wish”

Big Pinnacle of Pilot Mountain State Park

Image courtesy of the Wake Forest University Sabin Center UAS Lab .

Shortly after sunrise on the equinox the sun hits a notch on the Big Pinnacle of Pilot Mountain.

Equinox Shadow with the Big Pinnacle as a pointer like a seasonal sundial.

How the 18.6 year lunar standstill is observed on

Pilot Mountain is still a mystery that remains to be solved.

Can you help?